
Welcome to my Web site!

One of the reasons that I have designed this site is to showcase some of my abilities as a Web designer. This site is completely XHTML 1.1 compliant, CSS 2 compliant, and validates everywhere as WAI-AAA (Priority 3). Everything I write these days meets these standards. That won't mean much to your average chap, so I'll translate it to mean "I write damn good code that works on many different browsers and that can be used by many different people, including those suffering from disabilities."

Basically, I am very good at producing attractive, accessible and efficient sites with very limited resources. I cut my teeth doing pro bono work for non-profits. I can't take credit for most of the sites I've done, as I make it a point to enact a charter that says no one (including Yours Truly) can take credit for doing the site. With that in mind, I am starting to put together some sites that I can point to as examples of my work. This site is one.

If you want to find out why this site is kewl, follow this link.

I have also started to learn (and leverage) XML and XSLT, using PHP. I have figured out how to use WURFL as a switch to enable customized transforms for delivery to mobile devices. Pretty kewl. Right now, I'm just using it on my internal work for my employer and on an NPO site. Sooner or later, I'll rev one of my demo sites to use it.

Why Most People Come Here.

This isn't the most popular destination on the Web. If you arrived here, then the chances are pretty good you are here for one of these things:

You are lucky that I have some compassion and good taste.

Just so you know, I almost put a Flash splash screen on this site. However, it was so obnoxious that I just couldn't do that to my site visitors. It was, quite literally, a "grope in the dark" user interface.

Check it out here.

How would you like to be presented with that puppy when you go to my URL, huh?

I wanted to show my abilities with Macromedia Flash, but a splash screen is just too obnoxious. I don't want to run a whole Flash site, so this was a bit of a compromise. I'll put up other examples of Flash stuff as I go along.

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